31 May 2013

Avocado-Fig Smoothie

Come, let us visit Morocco. (Many of you have come this way with me before, but let us go again. You need a vacation.) Morocco will enchant the visitor. The mesmerizing medinas, the marvelous markets, the daunting desert, the oracular ocean, the alluring alliteration, the capacity of street vendors to hassle you in ten different European languages, and so on. When the visitor needs a break from enchantment, however, the visitor needs to obtain an Avocado Fig-Smoothie.

The Avocado-Fig Smoothie is the ideal amalgam of sweet, rich, and light. Once you find the raw ingredients, creation comes at the press of a blender button. 
Avocado-Fig Smoothie (serves 2)
1 ripe avocado
2 cups cow's milk (or almond milk, or vanilla whey protein and water)
6 figs (preferably canned or dried, or even a few dollops of fig jam)
pinch salt
sugar/honey to taste
1. Remove the avocado from its protective casing in the manner of your choice.

2. If your figs are dried, please mince them with a sharp knife -- especially if your blender is not cutting edge. (Do not waste fresh figs in this recipe; eat them alone, or with close friends.)

3. Put all ingredients except sugar in the blender. Blend until thick. 

4. Add pinch of salt. Add sugar/honey to taste. (Melt the honey first or face disappointment.) Blend again.

5. If too thick, add more milk. Stir with ice to chill.

Now visit Morocco with your mouth. Please take your friends with you.